Need to reach out?

Many (B) members can be contacted if you know how.

Some can be contacted even if you don't know the Way of the Exploding Fist.

In case of emergency, interest or if you have too many beers that you would like to share, contact our steadfast members through your choice of information superhighway technology gadgets.

Contact the Organizers

Main Organizers: Grendel & Mikron

General support organizer: Spiikki

Compo Team: T-101 & Oasiz

PA & Lights: Jangler

Electricity & 4G/Wifi Network: Xfactor

Party Main Organizers Unit

Compo Team

Facebook fanpage



Q: Where I can register for the B30 festivals?
A: Register here u twat!

Q: I'm coming from Sweden. How do I get there?
A: Take a ferry from SHLM to Turku/Abo. Drive your car (or rent one) to the party place.

Q: I'm arriving from [insert country]. How do I get there?
A: Find your way to Tampere, Finland and rent a car with GPS from there.

Q: But I don't know my way around Finland?! I just can't manage!
A: Don't be a baby. Ok, fine, be one and contact the organizers.

Q: Where I can find more info about the venue?
A: Here, a whole lot of pictures and such!

Q: Where I can sleep / rest / rot?
A: Check out the venue gallery with recently scouted sleeping tips.

Q: I have a problem?
A: Figure it out!