Descriptions updated 28.08.1998
Thanks to Gurdan / (B)
Here you see some of the warm and fuzzy feelings in da bus. It was singing'n'dancing, and also quite a bit of alcohol.
In the backrow you see (left>right)
Grendel and HC-Anna fighting over a beer,
with Nico drinking a beer and Sivu licking Nico's ear.
In front you have (left>right>
Hazard (the famour reggaestar Afrohazi) with Lasse peeking.
Other inhabitants in da bus were Micron, who took the photo and T.o.B who drove.
Sivu can only watch in amazement.
We did quite a bit of drinking during the night trip, but went to sleep mode sometime in the
morning hours. We were the first guys to arrive in the party, btw. About 0600 in the morning.
We had to take first resupply stop only 25 km from home. In the stopping place was an old train, which accidentally drove over Sivu. Help! Help! Everyone's so shocked here.
T.o.B, Micron, Lasse, Nico, Hazard and the poor Sivu under the train.
So of course we had to refresh far into the night. Here we have Proton / (B) and
Turtle / ex-(B) discussing this and that.
It's afternoon at this moment, since some light can actually be seen. Almost like a picnic.
Grendel, Hazard, Jazz, Albert, Gurdan, T.o.B and haziknows in the back.
Lasse is enjoying his time in the middle, in warm hospitality of his (B)ytefriends.
Lessee. Left>Right:
Tuija (the brains of Proton/(B) and Albert.
Then someone in the dark, Mr.Sex in between and Lasse in front. Finally it's Gurdan in right.
Maybe Turtle/ex-(B) discussing with Proton, Jazz, Mr.Sex and Zados as last in the left row.
In Right row from back to front we have:
Hoffi/Damones, Gurdan, Nico and Mike.
HC-Anna (the violence section), Hazard (the Afro), some very unknown person in Amiga t-shirt,
and then a whole row of foreign guys who joined our company for some drinking
and crap talking. Austrians I think. The guy in red shirt is definitely Antibyte/Scoopex, though.
Rather amazing. No-one's ever seen Proton drinking, or heard him being drunk.... NOOOT.
Dunno who's in middle, looks like Mike's pony tail. If the guy's puking he must be Mr.Sex though.
In backrow anyways leftmost is THE Proton, then Grendel and Micron. Dunno who's in front.
Somehow two pictures have messed here, so left side is the 'party on the rocks' while
right side is Boozembly. Note the happy Zados/Damones in right lower corner.
At one time we brought our own grill to the rocks, and made our own food over there. Therefore, Grillembly'97.
The persons in da photo, left>right:
Grendel, Mike, ?, Nico, Hazard, HC-Anna.
In middle you see the ghost of Dr.Dick.
Unfortunately this place has since been leveled into a parking lot. BARBARIANS,
to think they destroyed our traditional boozing rock.